Sunday, April 18, 2021

April 18 Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Eliot fell backwards against his bedside table a few days ago and seemed to only have suffered some bruises and abrasions. But the pain gradually grew worse and last night Jesse took him to the ER where a CAT scan revealed five broken ribs and a small puncture in one lung. Eliot's high pain threshold has everyone in awe! He has been transferred to Maine Medical Center in Portland which has the capacity to do a surgical intervention if the lung puncture worsens, but so far things look promising for healing.

I had a wonderful visit with him today. Because the hospital itself is full, he and a few others have been put in a disused converted ICU - a silver lining as he has his own space with a big window.

We will see how things go over the next few days and keep you posted. All of us, including Eliot, send love to all of you.



  1. Hi Eliot, Taffy and family,
    We just want you to know we have been praying for Eliot every evening since March 8th 2020 at our Evening Compline. We are so glad you posted this as we pray for so many and never know if are prayers are helping, so we keep praying. We will pray for complete healing from your recent fall and your supportive family❤️🙏🏼
    Fred and Pat Fowler

  2. El,
    We love you man. How you feel must be similar to how all those guys felt when Sam checked them into the boards!
    Get better!
    Elliott and Wendy

  3. Sending love and light to my friend, mentor, teacher, boss... I know you’ll heal soon. I’m happy you have big window to watch spring continue to arrive from. I’ll he thinking of you and praying for you.

  4. Dearest Eliot,

    We keep you and the family in heart and mind, praying for you early return to health and the mountain. Your visit to the stainless suite at MMC is just in time to see the cherry tree blossoms at #94.
    Thank you for the sharing your rainbow and the smiling visage.
    Bill & Katell

  5. El,
    You are one tough dude! I'm so sorry you are going through this but I hope every day you feel better. One question: how can you possibly look so good with broken ribs and an injured lung? You're amazing!
    Lot of love always, Mary


  Hello, all. Spring is underway in Maine - tulips, apple blossoms, lilacs, and the odd blackfly just to keep us realistic. Eliot is so happ...